Best Practices for Emergency Lighting
NFPA 101 Requirements
NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2018 edition, details the illumination requirements for means of egress. Starting out, the NFPA outlines that illumination shall be continuous during the time in which the conditions of occupancy require that the means of egress be available for use. The code goes on to state that artificial lighting shall be employed at such locations and for such periods of time as are necessary to maintain the illumination to the minimum criteria values.
As defined in NFPA 101, for emergency systems, lighting shall be arranged to provide initial illumination that is not less than an average of 1.0 fc and at any point not less than 0.1 fc, measured along the path of egress at floor level. Illumination levels shall be permitted to decline to not less than an average of 0.6 fc at the end of the required 90-minute period. Similar to the IBC, maximum-to-minimum illumination shall not exceed a ratio of 40:1.
In regard to automatic lighting controls, NFPA 101 describes how and when it is permissible to control emergency egress lighting. The following criteria must be considered when specifying lighting control devices.
Lighting control devices must be equipped to turn on emergency egress lights upon the loss of normal power.
As required for new buildings, lighting control devices must be activated by the building fire alarm system, if a fire alarm panel is provided.
As photoluminescent signage becomes more prevalent in building design, the lighting control device must not turn off any lighting that photoluminescent signage relies on.
Lighting control devices also must not turn off any lights that are battery-powered.
As a whole, when using energy-saving nodes, time clocks, and sensors, the designer must ensure that these devices do not compromise the continuity of the emergency lighting system.
Time clocks and lighting control panels must be carefully specified so that circuits do not get stuck in the “off” or open position, as this type of equipment should be specified so that the absence of power creates a fail-safe “on” or closed condition for controls.
It’s important to understand the required levels of emergency egress illumination along the path of travel. Lighting placement along walls in stairwells can pose challenges for casting the appropriate amount of light in these areas. Some light-rendering software can also make it difficult to properly model the illumination levels of a stairway. Engineers laying out lighting should be strategic in specifying fixture mounting heights to ensure the proper illumination levels are achieved.
Similar to the IBC, NFPA 101 defines emergency lighting exit access as stairs, aisles, corridors, ramps, escalators, and passageways leading to an exit. Illumination at exit discharge includes such areas as stairs, aisles, ramps, walkways, and escalators leading to a public way.
When illumination means depends on changing from one source to another, NFPA requires the delay be no longer than 10 seconds. This code excerpt refers most commonly to the reliance on generator power and the ability to automatically start a generator power source and transfer the load in the required time frame. Upon the failure of a normal power source, emergency lighting must be capable of providing illumination for 90 minutes, which is similar to the IBC requirement.
NFPA 70 Requirements
The NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC), 2017 edition, defines requirements for emergency systems. Chapter 700 outlines circuit wiring and sources of power as it relates to the required emergency systems. As in the other codes already discussed, NEC also requires emergency batteries to supply and maintain loads for a minimum period of 90 minutes. The NEC further elaborates that the voltage from batteries supplied to unit fixtures shall not drop below 87.5% of the normal operating voltage.
Emergency Illumination Factors
The placement of emergency lighting, defined as the lights that will provide illumination for the path of egress when the normal power circuited is interrupted, is a critical design component of an emergency lighting system. There are many different options and factors to consider when laying out emergency lighting.
One factor to be considered is the type of lamp that will be used. LED fixtures have taken the market by storm in the past 5 years, and while other types of lamping also should be considered, LEDs will continue to be a mainstay in emergency lighting. LEDs boast a long life expectancy, leaving the facility maintenance-free for up to 50,000 lamp hours. Also, the color temperature of LED fixtures should not be a problem; LED lamping is available in many color temperatures to fit the application. One of the main benefits of LED lighting is their efficiency. Most often, this is an underappreciated feature when considering the alternative source of emergency power. Whether the fixture that will be specified is backed up on a battery, generator, or another source, an LED’s efficiency allows the specifying engineer to size those emergency power systems in a more reasonable manner.
The major downfall of some LED lights is replacing them. While the long life of an LED is a huge benefit, it also can be seen as a detriment when approaching the life expectancy of a fixture, and replacement becomes a major task. Whether the driver or circuitry of the LED lamp becomes defective or the LED lamping merely exceeds its life expectancy, the replacement of lamping on some LED fixtures can be tricky and more laborious than swapping out a fluorescent lamp. This is something to consider when laying out the emergency lighting and more so in selecting the fixtures, given some fixtures may have unique lamping options that can assist the maintenance staff in maintaining the proper illumination throughout the life of the building. It’s also recommended to review warranties and lamp expectancies closely, as there have been many instances where cheaper LED products hit the market with less-than-promised life expectancies, giving LEDs a bad reputation while also making it difficult for maintenance staff to maintain the designed illumination when fixtures are failing prematurely.
Sources of Emergency Power
There are many different sources of emergency power to consider when designing an emergency lighting system. The most common type of system used in budget-friendly projects are dual-head emergency units, sometimes referred to in slang terms as “bug-eyes” (see Figure 1). These fixtures are simple for a contractor to connect to the local branch circuit, as outlined in the NEC, without adding a great deal of extra emergency infrastructure. These fixtures are connected to the local branch circuit in the event of a power failure and illuminate when normal power is lost. The internal battery illuminates the dual heads providing emergency lighting. One of the downfalls of these types of fixtures is that every fixture needs to be tested and maintained, creating many points of testing and maintenance. Even when a test switch shows the lamps light up initially, a full test on these fixtures must be conducted to verify fixtures are capable of outputting the intended light levels while also maintaining the appropriate voltage to the fixtures throughout the specified time frame.
One alternative to specifying dual-head emergency battery units is to provide an emergency lighting uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The benefit of specifying and installing an emergency lighting UPS is that there is one central battery system to maintain in lieu of many fixtures scattered throughout the facility. Given the right application, an emergency lighting UPS system can be just as cost-effective as installing dual-head emergency battery units to provide emergency egress lighting. Many times, the cost of purchasing many dual-head emergency battery units can offset the cost of purchasing one central emergency lighting UPS. From a cost standpoint, the make-or-break decision between battery units and a central UPS many times comes down to the emergency light’s conduit, wiring, and switching scheme. These factors rely on the type of space and how it is laid out. How the space is configured will depend on how the lights will be switched. Having a large open space could give way to a UPS-type system, in that it will simplify the circuiting over having many small independently switched areas requiring emergency lighting.
Having an emergency generator as a power source is another consideration, and it is sometimes a requirement depending on the type of occupancy. Whether natural gas, diesel, or propane, one of the main benefits of having an onsite emergency generator is that the power being delivered can last for a much longer duration than any battery system. Having a generator connected to a natural gas supply allows for a highly reliable source of energy to keep a generator going, as compared with battery sources that are usually intended for 90 minutes of emergency illumination. It should be noted that, per the NEC, a generator acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) means something shall be provided to automatically start the generator upon failure of the normal power supply and automatically transfer loads for all required electrical circuits. One of the main drawbacks of natural gas can be the lack of reliability during a true natural disaster. Maintaining that fuel-source connection during a disaster must be considered, which is why parts of the country in seismic zones susceptible to potential earth damage to buried lines require alternative fuel sources, such as diesel. Diesel fuel is another popular fuel source, but even diesel can have its drawbacks. Large diesel day tanks are meant to store fuel to maintain power to a facility for days. Specifying engineers should consider factors such as fuel life. Storing large amounts of diesel fuel for extended periods of time can pose problems, as fuel degrades over time. Having a fuel-refilling contract is another component to discuss with a client to ensure the proper measures are being taken for emergency illumination.
Matt Zega is an associate with RTM Engineering Consultants. He has been designing electrical power and lighting systems for more than 12 years, and his diversified portfolio encompasses projects within all major market sectors.
Emergency Lighting
NFPA 101, the Life Safety Code, and the International Building Code (IBC) require emergency lighting in all commercial and industrial buildings to facilitate emergency egress of people from the building and to reduce the possibility of panic in buildings during the exiting of large numbers of people during an emergency. While NFPA 101 and the IBC require emergency lighting, the National Electrical Code (NEC) defines the type of electrical equipment that can be used for emergency lighting and the installation requirements for the circuits supplying the emergency equipment. Many local and some national codes require energy savings for all lighting in a building, so providing an automatic load controller where lighting can be switched off will permit compliance with energy-savings features for a building, while still maintaining the life safety aspects of emergency lighting. Automatic load-control relays are now permitted in the 2011 NEC to help comply with energy-savings requirements in local codes and in reconnecting emergency loads.

Emergency lighting loads must be automatically energized or re-energized within 10 seconds of the electrical power outage, based on 700.12 of the NEC, and must stay energized for at least 90 minutes or for the anticipated time of the building evacuation. Unit equipment or battery-pack lighting is often used to provide the temporary lighting during power outage. Unit equipment is covered in 700.12(F) and consists of a rechargeable battery, a battery charger, provisions for one or more lamps mounted on the unit equipment, provisions for remote lamps powered from the unit equipment, and a relaying device that will energize the unit equipment lamps upon failure of the lighting branch circuit. The batteries must have a suitable rating and capacity to supply and maintain at least 87.5 percent of the nominal battery voltage of the total lamp load of the unit equipment for at least 1.5 hours, or the unit equipment must supply and maintain not less than 60 percent of the initial level of emergency illumination for at least 1.5 hours.
Where unit equipment is not used for emergency illumination or is not the sole source of emergency illumination, an additional source of electrical power may be provided using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), a generator, a fuel cell, or a separate service used to supply emergency lighting. With this method of emergency lighting, selected branch circuits can be automatically switched from normal power to emergency power upon loss of normal power by a transfer switch that is electrically operated and mechanically held in accordance with 700.5. In addition, the transfer switch is required to be listed for emergency use based on UL 1008, the standard for transfer switches, and must be approved for this application by the authority having jurisdiction as noted in 700.5(A) and (C). Where transfer switches are used for emergency lighting and power, the transfer equipment must only be used for emergency loads based on 700.5(D). All wiring from emergency sources must be kept entirely independent of all other wiring and equipment, unless in accordance with 700.10(B)(1) through (5).
Part V of Article 700 indicates switches installed in emergency lighting circuits must be arranged so that only authorized people have control of emergency lighting. This ensures that the emergency lighting circuits are not inadvertently turned off, thereby disabling the lighting. Switches connected in series or three- or four-way switches are not permitted in emergency lighting circuits. Additional switches that act only to put emergency lights into operation, but not disconnect them, are permitted. A dimmer system containing more than one dimmer and listed for use in emergency systems is permitted as a control device for energizing emergency lighting circuits. Upon failure of the normal source of electrical power, this dimmer system is permitted to selectively energize only those branch circuits required to provide minimum emergency illumination.
In addition to the other lighting control requirements, 700.24 in the 2011 NEC permits a listed automatic load control relay (ALCR) to automatically energize the emergency lighting load upon loss of the normal power supply. Section 700.2 defines an ALCR as a device used to energize switched or normally off lighting equipment from an emergency supply in the event of loss of the normal supply and to de-energize or return the equipment to normal status when the normal supply is restored. While an ALCR can be used for shunting around a control device and re-energizing a circuit that was intentionally turned off or dimmed, it is still required to be connected to a single source of emergency supply. As noted in 700.24, an ALCR shall not be used as transfer equipment and does not replace the need for a transfer switch at the point of connection to two sources of supply.
ODE is a staff engineering associate at Underwriters Laboratories Inc., based in Peoria, Ariz. He can be reached at 919.949.2576 and
Overview of Photoluminescent Emergency Lighting
Overview of Photoluminescent Emergency Lighting
Use Non-Electrical Photoluminescent Lighting
Save Lives, Energy & Money Unlimited Service Life
Reliable & Effective in all Emergency & Hazardous Conditions
Fail Safe Operation in all Light & Dark Evacuation Situations
Works when Electrical Emergency Systems Fail
Tested to the Same Performance Standards as Electrical Emergency Lighting
Compliant with building & fire codes and NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
Accepted and recommended by Life Safety, Fire Safety & Code Professionals Contact EverGlow Toll Free: (1) 866-744-4706
Telephone: (1) 704-841-2580
Email Us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"...Photoluminescent exit signs have an unlimited service life and consume no energy."
-US Department of Energy
"The 2009 International Building & Fire Codes (Model Codes, IBC and IFC) and the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Specify the Use of Non-Electrical Exit Path Markings in Many High Rise Occupancy Types."
"The design of every building or structure intended for human occupancy shall be such that reliance for safety to life does not depend solely on any single safeguard."
Recognized Applications
All emergency lighting - non-electrical (photoluminescent, radioluminescent) & electrical (LED, fluorescent, incandescent, electroluminescent) - is tested and listed to the same performance standards. In North America, UL924 is the standard for exit signs and other (above the door) emergency lighting, and UL1994 is the standard for (floor level) luminous exit path markings. To supplement the UL performance standards, ASTM or ISO standards are often used. Life safety depends upon occupants being able to evacuate interior spaces in three lighting levels: Normal Lighting (all lighting is available)
(all lighting is available) Emergency Lighting (normal electrical lighting has failed, only emergency lighting is available)
(normal electrical lighting has failed, only emergency lighting is available) Complete Darkness (the failure of all electrical lighting systems; only non-electrical emergency lighting is available) Applicable Standards & Codes: Buildings - IBC, IFC, Life Safety Code, DoD Unified Facilities Criteria, UL, most local building & fire codes
- IBC, IFC, Life Safety Code, DoD Unified Facilities Criteria, UL, most local building & fire codes Airplanes - FAA
- USDoT, FRA, RSAC, APTA Ships & Marine Work Platforms - US Navy, US Coast Guard, SOLAS, IMO
- US Navy, US Coast Guard, SOLAS, IMO Transportation Tunnels - USDoT, Metro Transit Authority EverGlow Photoluminescent Emergency Lighting is specified to replace or supplement electrical lighting in many different applications.
Photoluminescent Emergency Lighting Components
Exit Signs - located above the door and near floor level
Exit Path Markings - located near floor level
LLL (Low Level Lighting) - located near floor level
Aisle Markers - Escape Markings - located near floor level
Stair & Handrail Markers
Perimeter Markers
Door Frame & Hardware Markers
Directional Markers
NOT an EXIT Signs Life safety depends on occupants being able to evacuate interior spaces in three lighting levels: Normal lighting (most evacuations occur in normal lighting)
Emergency lighting
Complete darkness (non-electrical emergency lighting is most valuable in this situation) Emergency Lighting is designed to help evacuees safely & quickly find the exits in an emergency. Non-electrical emergency lighting is reliably visible in the dark
Electrical emergency lighting is visible in light and dark conditions only if properly maintained
Combination of electrical & non-electrical emergency lighting provide maximum safe egress Emergency Lighting is most effective when located above the exit door and at floor level. Only floor level egress path markings are reliable & effective in smoke. Smoke obscures emergency lighting located near the ceiling
Heat & sprinklers can neutralize electrical emergency lighting
Floor level emergency lighting is more easily seen by evacuees crawling on the floor to escape smoke and heat EverGlow Photoluminescent Exit Signs can be used instead of electrical exit signs EverGlow Photoluminescent Exit Path Markings can supplement electrical emergency lighting
"In most facilities, the emergency lighting is insufficient and the exits should be marked better so they are easier to find, even though the facility meets local building and fire codes. Code requires only the minimum acceptable emergency lighting for the average facility."
-A Building & Fire Code Official
"Smoke injures or kills more people than heat from the fire. Yet most electrical emergency lighting is not designed to effectively help people find the exits or installed near floor level to be useful for evacuations in smoke."
-A Building & Fire Code Official
"...The (electrical) emergency lighting only becomes functional if there is a power outage, which was not the case in this fire ... The hallways were dark and hot because of the thick smoke. Investigation this morning shows that some (electrical) exit signs made of plastic melted from the heat (and smoke) that rose to the ceiling in the hallways."
-An Actual Fire Inspection Report
Why is Electrical Emergency Lighting Not Sufficient?
Electrical emergency lighting is expensive to install and connect to the emergency lighting circuit
Electrical emergency lighting requires reliable and regular maintenance
Electrical emergency lighting has regularly been installed incorrectly
Electrical emergency lighting has a short lifetime of typically less than 10 years in interior installations
Electricity outages are common
Battery, lamp & LED failures are common
Electrical emergency lighting lasts for only 90-120 minutes because of battery of generator minimum design requirements
Electrical lighting consumes increasingly expensive resources Electrical Exit Signs are made of plastic and are subject to damage & failure in commercial environments
Why is Photoluminescent (PL) Emergency Lighting Required?
Failsafe operation; completely passive design
PL emergency lighting is simple to install and requires no connection to an electrical circuit
PL emergency lighting requires only occasional cleaning
EverGlow PL emergency lighting has a long lifetime of greater than 25 years in interior installations
Electricity outages are common
EverGlow PL emergency lighting lasts meets code requirements for 90-120 minutes & continues to glow for many hours during power failures
PL emergency lighting contains no battery, lamp or LED
EverGlow PL emergency lighting consumes ZERO energy and contains ZERO radioactive, toxic or vinyl components EverGlow Photoluminescent Exit Signs are made of aluminum and are durable, attractive, and long lasting
"Electrical (LED) exit signs have a service life of 5-10 years; Radioluminescent (tritium) exit signs last for 10, 15 or 20 years; Photoluminescent exit signs have an unlimited service life and consume no energy."
-US Department of Energy.
"Emergency lighting is the most neglected life safety component in most buildings."
-A manufacturer of emergency lighting
"... Due to high costs associated with testing emergency lighting, facilities actually will forgo the tests. ..."
-A Manufacturer of Electrical Emergency Lighting, in an Advertisement for a Central Monitoring & Testing System
"... Excluding healthcare and most government buildings, based on my experience I would estimate that more than 75% of the building owners/managers across the country are not testing their emergency lighting as mandated by the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code."
-A Code Consultant
Photoluminescent Emergency Lighting Code Requirements
Non-electrical - because electrical emergency lighting too often fails to operate when it is needed most
Reliable & Effective in all Emergency Conditions
Works even when electrical, emergency & redundant electrical power fails
Tested to the same Performance Standards as electrical emergency lighting
Accepted and recommended by Life Safety, Fire Safety & Code Professionals
Photoluminescent Exit Signs require a minimum of 5 ft-candles of illumination on the sign face
-The amount of light required to read a newspaper held at arm length -UL 924 is the performance standard for (electrical & non-electrical) approved exit signs
Photoluminescent (floor level) Exit Path Markings require a minimum of 1 ft-candle of illumination on the signs & markers
The amount of light required to recognize a dollar bill on the floor UL 1994 is the performance standard for (electrical & non-electrical) approved floor level egress path marking systems
Recent Model Code Changes for Approved Exit Signs - IBC, IFC, NFPA 101. 2009.
Recent Model Code Changes Requiring (non-electrical) Exit Path Marking Systems - IBC, IFC, NFPA 101. 2009.
Photoluminescent Emergency Lighting Requirements
Reliable lighting source to properly charge the photoluminescent pigment
Signs & markings must be properly charged while the building is occupied
Signs & markings are charged with most ambient lighting sources, and sunlight
Periodic inspections are needed to confirm lighting source(s) provide sufficient & proper lighting
Inspections must also confirm that signs & markings are kept clean and are not damaged or missing
"BOMA - Building Owners & Managers Association - proposed allowing building owners who installed photoluminescent exit path markings (as proposed and accepted in 2009) to eliminate electrical emergency lighting. This proposal was not accepted."
-A Building & Fire Code Official
"A recent study by NRC (Canada), clearly showed that photoluminescent exit path markings could be used to evacuate high rise buildings as rapidly, effectively and safely as properly operating electrical emergency lighting."
-A Building & Fire Code Official
General Lighting - Building, Fire & Life Safety Code Requirements, OSHA & Safety Requirements, Ergonomic & Physical Comfort Requirements, Increased Complexity of Lighting Controls
Normal Lighting - code required minimum lighting level in the means of egress during conditions of occupancy: 1 - 10 ft-candles of illumination at the floor or walking level
Emergency Lighting - code required for 90 minutes, an average lighting level in the means of egress: 0.1 - 0.6 ft-candles of illumination at the floor or walking level
Complete Darkness - complete failure of all electrical lights and emergency lighting systems is only addressed in the codes for high rise buildings and some amusement occupancies
OSHA requires all exits to be clearly marked and properly illuminated
Occupant Comfort - lighting levels in the corridors and stairs that are often used are generally kept at a minimum of 10-20 ft-candles of illumination at the floor or walking level
Retailer Product Display - lighting levels in the showroom are often at least 40-60 ft-candles of illumination at floor level
Office Lighting - lighting levels on the desktop is generally 30-50 ft-candles of illumination; any greater illumination and glare is a problem
Lighting Controls, Occupancy Sensors, Dimmers - must default so that normal lighting levels are maintained if the controller or system fails; most evacuations occur in normal lighting conditions
Lighting controls of any kind cannot be used with emergency lighting; nothing must compromise life safety during an emergency evacuation
EverGlow Photoluminescent Emergency Lighting is Green & Sustainable
Signs & markings consume ZERO energy and contain ZERO radioactive, toxic or vinyl components
Aluminum sign faces & frames contain ZERO mercury, lead or other heavy metals such as those found in lamps, batteries, LEDs and printed circuit boards
Aluminum sign faces & frames contain at least 60% post-consumer recycled aluminum and can be recycled with other aluminum materials without any environmental restrictions
100% aluminum construction & long lasting coatings ensure a long service life - essentially "life of the building"
Cost of Energy & Maintenance of Electrical Emergency Lighting
Green Building design guidelines & requirements - LEED, ASHRAE, IGCC, California Title 24 - are changing the way we build and maintain facilities. New and renovated facilities will consume less energy, produce fewer greenhouse emissions, and reduce their entire environmental footprint.
Current requirements for greater energy efficiency are driving facility managers to consider both passive and active systems to reduce energy consumption for HVAC and lighting. Passive systems include better insulated walls and ceilings, fenestrations with less air infiltration, high performance glazings, and more efficient lighting. Active systems include HVAC and lighting system controls, and automatic window shades to control daylighting.
EverGlow applauds the use of lighting system controls to achieve greater energy efficiency and savings from electrical lighting. We believe that normal lighting can be safely dimmed from currently common illumination levels, that occupancy sensors can further reduce lighting costs in offices, and that daylighting can significantly improve the work environment and reduce energy consumption. These active, automatic systems must operate properly, be accepted by the occupants, and must be maintained properly.
We would like to remind building designers, owners & managers that the bulk of energy savings have come from passive systems used to build less drafty and better insulated facilities, window films and the use of lower wattage and more efficient lamps. Passive systems require very little maintenance. And, of course, more efficient lighting practices will likely change the load on HVAC systems and the energy these systems consume.
With the increased use of energy efficient, low mercury fluorescent lamps, the mercury levels in landfills is steadily increasing. Even efficient electrical lighting technology presents new risks to the environment. Many areas of the country also prohibit disposal of metal halide, high pressure sodium and mercury vapor lamps.
We caution building owners and facility managers against decreasing lighting illumination in exits and egress corridors, against severely reducing illumination below levels that occupants consider comfortable and safe for normal activities. We also encourage building owners to consider (passive, non-electrical) photoluminescent emergency lighting.
EverGlow suggests you Recycle Your Lighting - energy and dollars - and use photoluminescent emergency lighting to replace electrical exit signs where possible and practical. Photoluminescent exit signs absorb and store energy from your existing interior lighting and then glow when the normal lighting fails. You are never in the dark with EverGlow!
Electricity costs average $0.12 per KWH and are expected to increase
Electrical costs for general lighting and exit lighting are the same; but electrical lighting required in egress paths should NOT be switched off in response to load shedding requirements or "time of day" cost of energy
Electrical connections for new installations average $150 or more and are expected to increase
Maintenance expenses exceed $10 per hour and are expected to increase
Fire & Life Safety system inspection costs are expected to increase
Fines and other surcharges for failure to properly maintain fire & life safety systems are expected to increase
Disposal costs of lead acid & nickel cadmium batteries are expected to increase
Disposal costs of arsenic & lead in LED lighting may be on the horizon
" is NOT common practice at all to install an additional charging light source in order to provide 5 foot-candles of illumination on the face of a photoluminescent exit sign."
ENERGY STAR - No Longer Certifies Energy Efficient Exit Signs
ENERGY STAR Certification for (electrical & non-electrical) Exit Signs has been Suspended by the US Department of Energy and US Environmental Protection Agency
November 2007 - all manufacturers of exit signs informed that the ENERGY STAR specification for exit signs would be suspended, effective May 2008.
Manufacturers of electrical exit signs requested this change because they were concerned that electrical exit signs might not be safe and effective if the energy consumption was driven to 5 watts per sign or less
Requirements remain for electrical exit signs to draw no more than 5 watts per sign; there is no apparent loss of effectiveness
EPA stated at the beginning of their program for exit signs that there are more than 100 million exit signs in the US, consuming 800,000 MW of electrical energy and costing $70 million each year to operate
ENERGY STAR states that energy saving electrical exit signs will use LED lighting technology and MUST include a statement declaring, The light source in this sign will depreciate, which can lead to a light output level that is below current building code requirements. The light source (lamps) should be replaced at regular intervals, and when they are no longer functioning, to assure safety and visibility in the event of an emergency.
DOE states that photoluminescent exit signs consume NO energy and have an unlimited service life
ENERGY STAR Requirements for Energy Efficient Exit Signs.
ENERGY STAR Announcement to Suspend Exit Sign Specification.
EPA Proposes Suspension of the ENERGY STAR Specification for Exit Signs due to Research by the Electrical Industry that the Performance & Longevity of Electrical Exit Signs Could be Compromised by the Requirement that All Signs Consume No More Than 5 Watts. Photoluminescent Exit Signs are Acknowledged to be able to Meet This Requirement.
ENERGY STAR Final Decision to Suspend Exit Sign Specification. Electrical Exit Signs are Required by EPAct 2005 to Consume No More than 5 Watts per Sign.
ENERGY STAR Savings Calculator for Different Exit Sign Technologies
NEMA Questions Claims of Energy Efficiency for Photoluminescent Exit Signs
NEMA - The National Electrical Manufacturers Association - is the primary trade association for the electrical product manufacturing industry. Its approximately 450 member companies manufacture products used in the generation, transmission and distribution, control, and end-use of electricity. NEMA promotes the competitiveness of the U.S. electrical product industry through the development of standards, advocacy in federal and state legislatures and executive agencies. NEMA's stated goal is to represent the industry's interests in new and developing technologies. There is no stated goal in NEMA's Vision or Mission Statements to promote public safety.
EverGlow has been prohibited from joining NEMA because we do not manufacture electrical lighting or other electrically powered products. In general, most manufacturers and suppliers of photoluminescent emergency lighting - exit signs, exit path markings, tapes and coatings that glow in the dark - are also refused membership in NEMA.
NEMA expressed their disagreement with UL, NFPA, ENERGY STAR, EPA, the Department of Energy, the FAA, the Department of Transportation, and other organizations over the use of photoluminescent emergency lighting - to supplement or replace electrical exit signs and other emergency lighting.
The NEMA website - About NEMA - Vision & Mission Statements.
NEMA - the Emergency Lighting Section.
The scope of the Emergency Lighting Section ... specifically includes all types of electrically illuminated exit and directional signs. Key governmental activities include advising and working with the Environmental Protection Agency on the Energy Star Exit Sign Program.
A general search for "photoluminescent" on the NEMA website produces these search results.
NEMA Currents Blog - Green in color only, sometimes. Concerns over advertising claims for photoluminescent exit signage. Caveat Emptor, and Carry a Flashlight?
NEMA Publishes LSD 46-2009 Photoluminescent Exit Signage - Factual Review.
Exit Sign Visibility Testing and Requirements for Safety and Energy Efficiency.
"This standards publication contains performance requirements and test methods for evaluating exit sign visibility. Visibility requirements are based on an assumed normal visual acuity and normal color recognition in clear air at a maximum viewing distance of 30.5 m (100 ft). This scope does not imply that exit signs conforming to the requirements of this standard will be visible to all people under all environmental conditions." NEMA Emergency Lighting Section.
"The most efficient LED Exit Lights consume only 3 watts of energy per sign. ... If all of the more than 100 million exit signs in the US were upgraded to LED (electrical) lighting technology, they would all consume more than 2,000 GW-hr of energy each year. Although this is a substantial savings compared to less efficient (electrical) incandescent and fluorescent lighting used in older exit signs, this is the equivalent output from a very large electrical (coal or nuclear) generating station operating continually." "Even the most energy efficient electrical lighting uses less energy when it is switched off."
Comparison of Different Types of Emergency Lighting
Tested to meet either the UL924 or UL1994 performance standards
Consumes ZERO energy; operates for hours after the electricity fails
EverGlow aluminum signs & markings contain ZERO radioactive, toxic or vinyl components
Service life exceeds 25 years
Virtually maintenance free - sign face must be kept clean
100% reliable operation, virtually failsafe
Ambient lighting near the photoluminescent signs & markings must be maintained to provide minimum (charging) illumination
Completely passive operation; required ambient lighting is often maintained more vigorously than emergency lighting
Continually charging and discharging; proper operation is easy to detect in lit and darkened installations
Glows to meet code requirements for a minimum of 90 minutes; continues to have a visible glow for many hours longer
Visibility & legibility during lit and dark conditions depends on the contrast of the glowing EXIT and the background
Exit signs be easily installed above the door and at floor level without additional requirements for ambient lighting
Exit path markings can be easily installed at floor levels without additional electrical connections
Ideal installation is in a clean, well-lit corridor or exit
Tested to meet either the UL924 or UL1994 performance standards
Consumes 2-5 watts of energy per sign face
Requires a reliable electrical supply to operate properly Contains heavy metals - lead or cadmium in the battery, mercury in the fluorescent lamp, arsenic in the LED,
3-5 year service life - lamps fail and are easy to detect; incandescent & fluorescent lamps fail and are easy to detect; LEDs dim long before failure and are not easy to detect; batteries can only be tested with load testing and it is more difficult to detect their failure
Requires maintenance & replacement of batteries and LEDs (or lamps) every 1-3 years
Reliable only if maintained properly
Surveys have shown that electrical emergency lighting is NOT properly installed, maintained or operating in at least 10-20% of randomly chosen occupancies
Increasingly complicated and maintenance intensive systems
Batteries last only 90-120 minutes, if properly maintained; light dims significantly after 60 minutes
Proper operation is easy to verify if test button or other recommended procedure is followed; actual condition of batteries is difficult to determine without load testing
Ideal installation is in a facility that provides for required monthly and yearly testing
"ITM - Inspection, Testing & Maintenance: Inspection & Testing - code requires all emergency lighting systems be inspected & tested every month
Those inspections and results must be recorded in a log and made available for the code inspector at all times
Maintenance - Emergency lighting repairs must be made, and a record kept of those repairs
It is NOT the code inspectors responsibility to perform these tests during his inspection" "Most fines & penalties are generated by the failure of the building owner or facility manager to properly perform one or more of these requirements."
-A Building & Fire Code Official
Reliability & Effectiveness
The likelihood that emergency lighting will be available when it is needed and can perform as desired can be described by the product of reliability and effectiveness. One might disagree with the numerical value developed for reliability, or effectiveness, or both; but this method is a sound means of determining a baseline risk assessment for various life safety systems.
Reliability is the probability that a lighting fixture will operate as designed and intended when needed
Effectiveness is a measure of the adequacy of the lighting fixture once it is operating.
For instance, NFPA recently declared that the reliability and effectiveness of automatic sprinklers is as high as 91% for wet pipe systems. This factor was developed by multiplying the reliability, determined to be 95% in all sprinklered facilities, by the effectiveness, determined to be 96%. With this factor, NFPA estimates that, in buildings equipped with automatic sprinkler systems and for fires large enough to activate those sprinkler heads, sprinklers extinguished the fires in more than nine of ten fires. There can be no doubt that sprinklers increase life safety and reduce property damage. For more information, please review the NFPA reports developed on this subject.
There are no similar statistics developed for emergency lighting. However, a great deal of research has been done to evaluate the behavior of people trying to escape structures during emergency evacuations. There is agreement among fire & life safety officials and human behavior researchers that exits should be marked more clearly- so people can find the various exits available to them during an emergency, and so that once inside the exit they can proceed quickly and safely to a location away from the fire. Because of the time it takes for people to properly react to an emergency, move to and through the exits and finally exit a building, emergency lighting must provide guidance for the full 90 minutes required by code.
There are industry provided statistics for the reliability & effectiveness of emergency power supplies - generators supplying emergency power to maintain essential electrical equipment in hospitals and uninterruptable power supplies for data centers (UPS batteries, computer). Electrical emergency lighting systems contain lamps, batteries and control circuits. The LEDs (individual LEDs and arrays) in modern emergency lighting systems have proven to be very reliable and long lasting if provided with appropriate power supplies (not over driven) and heat sinks (to dissipate the heat generated by each LED). It is appropriate to assume that the LEDs in emergency lighting from a reputable manufacturer will provide greater reliability and trouble free service for 3-5 years after installation than incandescent or fluorescent lamps. The least reliable components in LED lighting is the emergency power supply - batteries or generators. For more information, please visit the links below.
Emergency Battery Supplies
Lead acid batteries have a lifetime of 3-5 years until failure of at least one cell
Deep cycling (significant discharge after an electrical power failure and the subsequent recharge) is a major cause of lead acid battery failure
Nickel cadmium batteries have a lifetime of 3-5 years until the battery cannot hold sufficient charge for a 90 minute test
NiCd batteries fail prematurely if not completely discharged and then recharged periodically
Lead acid & NiCd batteries are the most mature battery technologies and, because of environmental concerns, likely to be phased out of use over the next 20 years
Replacement technology, NiMH and Li-ion batteries, will improve reliability and reduce maintenance costs, but may require expensive upgrade or replacement of emergency lighting fixtures
Emergency Power Generators
Failure to start (battery or cable failure)
Fuel to the engine (lack of fuel supply, contaminated fuel, clogged fuel filters, fuel line failure)
Failure of mechanical or control system components and automatic transfer switches
Inappropriate testing or loading during testing
Lack of maintenance
A survey of 120 installed diesel generators revealed 5 failures during a year (failure during testing)
Electrical exit signs are not 100% reliable unless properly maintained and regularly tested
Battery failure
Lamp or LED failure; mechanical failure of connections
LEDs dim to 70% of original lighting output (generally considered a useful lifetime of 3-6 years)
Power supply or control system failure
Failure to maintain or regularly test
Surveys of installations in randomly chosen buildings show an average of 10-20% failure of at least one fixture (failure during testing)
Reliability decreases with increasing complexity of an emergency lighting system
Reliability of an electrical lighting system decreases rapidly with a lack of maintenance
Reliability of an electrical lighting system depends on the reliability of the electricity supplier
Effectiveness of a photoluminescent emergency lighting system component decreases with a lack of cleaning
Effectiveness of all emergency lighting systems decreases with increasing smoke present during an emergency evacuation
Effectiveness of floor level emergency lighting systems (exit signs & exit path markings) is greater than lighting located over the door as smoke fills an exit
Testing Emergency Lighting Systems, Consulting Specifying Engineer, April 2009.
US Experience with Sprinklers, NFPA, Marty Ahrens, July 2017.
Reliability of Automatic Sprinkler Systems, William Koffel, March 2004.
Restoring Reliability to Emergency Power Systems, FacilityNet, Tom Leinidas Jr, April 2006.
US Dept of Energy, Lifetime of White LEDs.
US Dept of Energy, LED Luminaire Reliability.
"The light source in this (electrical exit) sign will depreciate, which can lead to a light output level that is below current building code requirements. The light source (lamps or LEDs) should be replaced at regular intervals, and when they are no longer functioning, to assure safety and visibility in the event of an emergency." "LED Exit Signs have a rated life of 50,000 hrs (until light output has dimmed to 70% of the initial output). This is a useful life of 5 or 6 years of continuous use. LED exit signs use approximately 44 KWh (kilowatt-hour) of electricity annually to operate."
"...Many (LED Exit Sign) products on the market today are utilizing power supplies that drive the LED circuit well past normal operating limits in order to pass UL luminance requirements. This practice will most certainly lead to a rapid depreciation of the LED light output available for normal operation."
-An Electrical Exit Sign Manufacturer
Performance Standards for Emergency Lighting
UL 924 - Emergency Power and Lighting Equipment
All electrical & non-electrical exit signs and lights are tested to this standard and must meet minimum performance requirements at 90 minutes or battery power or in the dark (lights completely off)
All approved exit signs & emergency lighting systems must meet this performance standard
All listed internally & externally illuminated exit signs must meet this standard
All listed exit signs installed above the door or at floor level must meet this standard
Allows the manufacturer to decide whether to test illumination or legibility of the exit sign
Requires exit sign batteries and photoluminescent exit signs to be fully discharged before beginning testing
Allows up to 168 hrs for batteries to charge (or less, if specified by the manufacturer); up to 1 hr for photoluminescent signs to charge in the 5 ft-candles of charging light - certifies the visibility & legibility of all exit signs for 50, 75 or 100 ft viewing distance; these are distances likely to be encountered in most facilities
Defines minimum light output (illumination) of electrical exit signs, sign retrofits & emergency lighting
Minimum luminance for an exit sign is 8.57 cd/m2 on normal electrical power; 5.14 cd/m2 on battery or other emergency power; electrical signs meeting this requirement are listed at 100 ft visibility
Minimum observation-visibility requirement is 50 ft; directional chevrons are tested for 40 ft visibility
Canada currently recognizes the Canadian standard, C860-07: Performance of Internally Lit Exit Signs. It is accepted as an alternative or supplementary performance requirement to UL924 (Canada). Canada considers electrical exit signs as internally illuminated; photoluminescent exit signs as externally illuminated. The US recognizes both electrical and photoluminescent exit signs as internally illuminated.
Recent Model Code Changes for Approved Exit Signs - IBC, IFC, NFPA 101. 2009.
UL 1994 - Luminous Egress Path Marking Systems
All electrical & non-electrical exit path marking systems are tested to this standard
All approved luminous exit egress path marking systems must meet this performance standard
If intended and approved for use on stair nosings, all luminous stair markers must also meet the UL410 slip resistance performance standard
All system components- signs & markers - must be visible and legible at a distance of 25 ft after 90 minutes in complete darkness
Photoluminescent signs & markers are charged with 1 ft-candle of illumination for 1 hr in preparation for the observation-visibility test
Emphasis is on the visibility of system components as necessary in most facilities
Building, Fire & Life Safety Codes currently allow the use of the ASTM E2072 (IBC, IFC) or ASTM E2073 (NFPA 101) standards for testing luminance of photoluminescent egress path marking system components. The luminance must be no less than 5 mcd/m2 after 1 hr charging with 1 ft-candle illumination and 90 minutes of discharge in complete darkness.
Recent Model Code Changes Requiring Non-electrical Exit Path Marking Systems - IBC, IFC, NFPA 101. 2009.
"UL 924 is the nationally recognized Standard for determining that an exit sign provides not only adequate protection from fire and electric shock, but also adequate visibility performance to meet the needs of the model building codes."
-Underwriters Laboratories
"1011.4 Internally Illuminated Exit Signs. Electrically powered, self-luminous and photoluminescent exit signs shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL924 and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and Section 2702."
-International Building Code - 2009
" Listing. Internally illuminated (exit) signs shall be listed in accordance with UL924, Standard for Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment..."
-NFPA 101 - 2009 (Life Safety Code)
A. Internally Illuminated. The light source is typically incandescent, fluorescent, LED, electroluminescent, photoluminescent or self-luminous."
-NFPA 101 -2006 (Annex A, Life Safety Code)
Performance in Smoke & Limited Visibility Evacuations
Electrical and photoluminescent exit signs located above the door are obscured quickly by smoke collecting at the ceiling
Brighter electrical exit signs are seen longer through smoke, unless they are so bright that the light reflects off the smoke (think of vehicle headlights reflecting off thick fog)
IESNA - Illuminating Engineering Society of North America - reports that exit sign visibility is "critically affected by smoke or other light scattering particles (such as dust)"
NIST (1990) research on visibility of exit signs in smoke: all electrical and non-electrical exit signs disappeared in 3.4 - 9.5 minutes
NEMA (2001) sponsored research on exit sign brightness indicates that even though LED exit signs are approximately 100 times brighter than radioluminescent (radioactive tritium) exit signs and 1,000 times brighter than photoluminescent exit signs, they are NOT visible in smoke.
Based on research and recommendations above, all exit signs located above the door are not likely to be seen if there is smoke or dust present during the evacuation
Floor level emergency lighting- exit signs and exit path markings- are visible in smoke until the smoke reaches from the ceiling to the floor
Breathable and relatively clear air are likely to found at floor level much longer if smoke is present during an evacuation
Research in Norway found that if there is dense smoke at floor level, tactile (ADA type signs & markings) exit path marking systems were superior to any emergency lighting system
NRC Canada (1999, 2006) research in clear air, comparing floor level photoluminescent exit path marking with electrical emergency lighting, found that continuous photoluminescent path marking provided the same evacuations times from high rise office buildings (using exit stairs) as electrical lighting
Research in Norway (Heskestad, 1999) concluded that, in smoke filled evacuations, continuous photoluminescent exit path marking systems allowed people to evacuate as quickly as electrical exit path marking systems; note that most people resist evacuating through smoke filled exits
"Life safety depends on occupants being able to evacuate interior spaces in three lighting levels: normal lighting (all lighting is available)
emergency lighting (normal electrical lighting has failed, only emergency lighting is available)
complete darkness (the failure of all electrical lighting systems; only non-electrical emergency lighting is available) "Most emergency evacuations occur in full (normal) lighting conditions. Normal lighting and safe evacuation conditions must not be compromised by the addition of lighting controllers, dimmers, timers, occupancy sensors or other energy saving devices."
-A Building & Fire Code Official
"Fire Tragedies are preventable only if all responsible parties comply with the applicable building safety requirements."