Get MOKA SFX professional Laser Light, Outdoor Laser Light, DJ Laser

MOKA SFX and Moka Laser Light

MOKA SFX is a leading manufacturer and exporter of special effects products. In a few years of making SFX equipment, we have achieved a great deal, more and more clients use our equipment in their shows and verify the quality of us.

Why do we start to sell laser light?

We have been this field for some years, and meet many different types of customers. And most of them are DJ, event entertainers, show organizer, Television, and even sports events, as long as involved with stage industry.

Some of them don’t have experience with import at first, after cooperating with us, they got the experience and start sourcing other more equipment related to stage, which included laser lights. But the most important is that they don’t know how to recognize a quality laser, and even maybe not familiar with laser stage lighting by themselves.

After trying few times bought stage lasers from China, they not satisfied with quality and effects with laser light because didn’t find the right suppliers, they complain about this and asked the favor, maybe we can help them get the good laser light. So we start thinking about this few years ago, did some research with laser light on the market, We start making laser light since then, as a little part of our business.

Manufacturer VS importer/Assembler

There are many laser beam light companies in China or aboard, call themselves manufacturers, who actually are importers and assemblers. The reality is that you could be paying big money for cheap and low quality re-branded light show projector.

We develop, design, and manufacture every Moka laser light in the house.

So we have many different advantages compared with other stage lasers, you can check the part “why choose Moka laser light”.

Laser Lights: A Comprehensive Guide

▾ What Are The Features of Laser Lights?

▾ Where Are Laser Lights Used?

▾ How Much Power is Ideal For Your Event?

▾ What Are The Various Controls and Color Modes That Are Available?

▾ How Can You Make The Most of Your Laser Lights?

▾ Are There Any Hazards When Using Laser Lights With Smoke Machines?

▾ Are There Any Requirements For Using Laser Lights?

▾ Are There Any Safety Standards to Follow When Using Laser Lights?

▾ What Regulations Should The System Comply With?

When thinking of adding a little bit of flair to your events, an image of beams shooting in all directions is the first thing that comes to mind. Laser lights are a fun way to liven your event and give your guests an immersive experience.

There is no limit to the use of laser lights. You can use them as a simple add on to the rest of the event, or create a whole spectacle with the lights as the showstopper. These low maintenance, low-cost products are incredibly beneficial, and you can even pair them up with haze machines .

Before you invest in laser lights, you do need to have all the information, so you get the right laser light for your needs. Read on to find out everything you need to know about laser lights and more in this FAQ guide.

What Are The Features of Laser Lights?

When you invest in laser light, you need to ensure that you’re getting your money’s worth. Furthermore, you wouldn’t want to select the wrong laser light for your event and make the lights an inconvenience. Keep these features in mind to narrow down your search for the perfect laser light.

Quiet Fan

Quiet fans allow the laser light to run smoothly and extend the battery life of the same. They are small 12v structures included with the product. As mentioned in the name, these structures work silently to improve the efficiency of your laser light. Since quiet fans act as an added feature to ensure the smooth operation of your laser lights, it makes the laser light more durable so you can use it to your heart’s desire. All MOKA laser lights come with 3pcs 12v quiet fans so you don’t have to worry about the laser light’s lifetime.

Safety Features

Safety is paramount when using laser lights. Many laser light systems are made with a simple design and sturdy material. This makes them entirely safe for use and requires no previous experience.

According to the radiation levels of laser lights, they are divided into 2, 2M, 3R, 3B, and 4. In other words, laser lights at the lower end, like 2, 2M are considered safer as they have a weaker output. However, even laser lights classified under 3B or 4 can be used for laser shows, provided you follow the necessary safety guidelines.

Where Are Laser Lights Used?

Laser lights are a blast to have at events, especially when paired with fog machines. These lights provide an immersive 3D experience like no other and are a tried and tested way to engage the audience. Here are a few places where you can witness the charm of these light systems.

Themed Parties

Indoor and outdoor-themed parties or corporate events make use of laser lights to up the ante. If you’re wondering how to get the dreamlike haze or get everyone awed, laser lights are the way to go.


Having trouble getting everyone up and on the dance floor? Laser lights create an atmosphere that goes well with songs. Laser lights will not only set the mood for your nightclub but also enhance the theme of your party. For nightclubs, you can use laser lights with interchangeable colors and speed options. With full RGB color modes, MOKA laser lights are ideal for any club or party setting. With a full power output, you can have a laser light themed party all night. Soon, you will have all your nightclub visitors dancing to the music’s beat and enjoying the dark light spectacle.

Sporting Events

Ever visited a basketball or football game or seen televised Olympics or the super bowl? The one thing that makes their opening, so grand is an array of special effects. Sporting games usually mix and match their effects. Laser lights can be a great addition to any sports events at a stadium or even a small field. The features can be adjusted using integrated software to be engaging enough for the audience, while not distracting the players.


Concerts are places where everyone is excited and swaying to the music as they see their favorite artist perform. What better to create a fun atmosphere or dreamlike night then laser lights? These concerts make use of laser lights that beam on the audience to make them feel a part of the action and enhance the music.

How Much Power is Ideal For Your Event?

When buying a laser light system, one of the things that you need to consider is power. The power determines the brightness, distance, and the visibility of the laser light. However, when we talk about visibility, there are many other factors to consider. These include laser color, ambient light, beam divergence, fog, and other barriers, etc.

The area that needs to be covered also shows the kind of power you will require from your system. On average, this is the amount of power you require for the following areas.

Indoor events of up to 1500 people: 500mw – 2000mw

Indoor events of up to 3000 people: 2000mw – 6000mw

Indoor events of 5000 people or more: 6000mw – 10W

Outdoor events of medium size, small festivals: 10 – 20W

Large outdoor gatherings, fields, stadiums: 20 – 40W

What Are The Various Controls and Color Modes That Are Available?

Versatile control systems make laser lights adapt to any environment at the convenience of the user. There are multiple controls that you can use, and many of these systems have more than one way to control the lasers.

Laser lights are often distinguishable through their color. There are multiple kinds of machines that dispense color according to the system. The more the colors available, the costlier the laser light is. Therefore, you must keep your needs in mind when purchasing a laser light.

With MOKA laser lights you get many control and color options that give you a large spectrum to design and dabble in. You can get a full RGB set or choose a more economical option if you aren’t looking for something professional. The laser controls are equipped with presets so you don’t have to use software controls to design new content. Hence, MOKA laser lights keep all its customer’s requirements in mind and cater to a variety of needs and combinations with their colors and controls.


There are various colors that you can project with laser lights. The most common one is lime green due to its high visibility. You will find single-colored, mixed colored, and full-color lasers in the market. A full RGB color laser light is the costliest but provides you with all the colors in the spectrum and is typically high end. When it comes to color and visibility what you need to remember is that if the reading is nearer to 550nm (nanometer), the more visible it’s going to be when used.


Laser light systems have several means to control them. You can select these depending on what is more convenient for you. Controls include DMX, ILDA, and even sound controls. You’ll simply have to install a hardware control platform like FB system or QuickShow, and you’re good to go.

Listed below are some of the control settings and color options you will find on your laser light.


A DMX cable is used to have a semblance of manual control. Using systems like DMX 512 allows you to control the laser beams by choosing a pre-set. A pre-set is loaded into the system, and you can make use of the DMX controller to choose the one that you see fit for your event.


ILDA is the most advanced kind of operating technology. The control system uses computer software to feed information into the laser light and control the beam projections. ILDA is generally used for laser shows or at big events and concerts where the user has more control over the beam projections.

You can ideally use ILDA for class 3 or 4 laser lights. Using ILDA, you can optimize laser lights creatively to create text, graphics, and shapes. ILDA compatible laser lights can be controlled with signals from your laser controller. Laser controllers can either be stand-alone or act as software integrated with a computer. Both provide great results for big shows, concerts, or stadiums, where it might be difficult to manually control laser lights without a controller.

QuickShow and FB4

You can use FB4 as a hard drive by connecting through a CAT5 or CAT6 cable. The onboard SD card also allows for show playback. Use these functions according to your convenience, through your PC, lighting console, or even in auto-mode. The software control mode also offers you multiple pre-set options for your laser light show. Software controls like QuickShow also help you to design your own laser shows and content so that you gain a more personalized experience. You can make use of these software’s to make multiple shapes and designs that suit your event and transfer it to FB4 after your cue is ready. The design software is the prime reason why laser graphics are a huge deal and that you can tell a story through the laser shapes that you upload.


You can also use sound for your beam projections. This is a fun way to control the laser light as the beams react to the ambient sound that they hear. Nightclubs often use this method to sync the light show with the music that is played by the DJ.


These laser control systems are the most hassle-free. If you want to use laser lights without thinking much about the patterns and projections, you can let the laser light run on automatic. The light will then pick pre-sets from the hundreds that are already loaded and familiar.

Single Color

A single color laser light is very economical and the most common kind of laser light system available. They are generally found in lime green colors due to its visibility. Single colors are useful during corporate shows or themed party when you want the light to match the rest of the venue.

Mixed Colors

Mixed colors use two colors, say red and green, in their projections. This also makes you available to a mix of colors, such as yellow or orange. They give a wider range and are economical as opposed to higher-end models.


The RGB or white light set has the entire spectrum of colors available in the laser light. These are especially available in high-end models and dominate the market for large events. However, you do need to keep white balance in mind if you manually operate the RGB laser lights as one beam could often overpower another. If you have the option to mix your own colors with RGB, ensure that you keep the wavelengths of the color into question. The wavelengths help you decide the end product which is just the right color.

How Can You Make The Most of Your Laser Lights?

Laser lights are used for many reasons other than just projecting lasers. You can use them with flame machines or even create logo designs or other art with them. Some of the ways how you can make the most of your laser lights are as follows.

Shapes and Structures

Laser beams generally have pre-sets which include various shapes and structures such as cones, fans, etc. They create an atmosphere of mystical curiosity and allow the audience to feel mesmerized by the structures. The beams can also create a haze to add to the atmosphere of the event.

Laser Graphics

Laser graphics are used to upgrade logos or other artwork with the help of laser lights. They grab the attention of the audience and can often tell a story with their use. The use of laser graphics may need software controls, but it does come with its special powers as well.

Usage with other stage equipment

You can use laser lights with the smoke or fog machines you already have purchased to create a special effects spectacle along with haze machines. When used together, the laser light gives a 3D quality to the venue and transforms the place into an experience for the viewers.

Are There Any Hazards When Using Laser Lights With Smoke Machines?

If you have decided to use a fog machine or smoke machine with the laser lights system, you are in for a spectacle. However, before using, especially in cases of an indoor event, you should clear the use with your venue authorities. Laser lights don’t have any special regulations, but for using fog or smoke machines, you might have to shut the smoke detectors to avoid mishaps.

Are There Any Requirements For Using Laser Lights?

Laser lights don’t have any specific requirements to follow. However, if you want to make the most of the lights, you can create a checklist with these requirements that will add to your light spectacle.

Beam Direction

The beam direction is projected from the front during concerts and shows. This is because the laser light is strongest when coming right towards you. You can also place them directly behind the audience.

Ambient Light

Ensure that there is little to no ambient light so that the visibility of the laser is higher. Ambient light can dull the effect of the laser lights as they are stronger. Therefore, try to keep the room dimmer at least when the laser light display is on.

Reflective Surfaces

Some venues may have reflective surfaces like mirrors or chandeliers. If the laser light has a possibility of bouncing off these surfaces, it is crucial to mask them, so they don’t create any audience reflections.

Are There Any Safety Standards to Follow When Using Laser Lights?

Safety is paramount when using laser lights. While most laser lights are incredibly safe, it is essential to adhere to all the safety regulations, especially the ceiling height. Here are some of the common safety standards to follow.

The venue must allow for 12 to 10 feet between the laser system and the audience to provide more safety.

The laser light should not directly scan a person’s eyes and skin as it may risk harm. Using a lesser-powered beam when pointing towards the audience dramatically reduces this risk.

Ensure that the lights are shut off or low enough to not distract any aircraft during outdoor shows. Laser lights are generally strong enough to come in a pilot’s field of +vision and may distract them from the task at hand.

The venue and the laser light system must comply with the regulations and protocols.

What Regulations Should The System Comply With?

The laser light system has to comply with the following regulations.

Compliance with the Centre for Devices and Regulatory Health (CDRH), a division of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the USA.

Any variance must have the legally required paperwork on the venue.

The system must comply with the maximum permissible exposure set by the international regulators.

Laser light systems must follow the International Laser Display Association’s (ILDA) code of ethics.

All outdoor events with laser displays should comply with aircraft safety.

5 Best Outdoor Laser Lights for Christmas and Other Holidays in 2022

If you are looking for the perfect way to light up your home during the holiday season, then outdoor laser lights may be just what you need. These lights can add a festive ambiance to any property and they come in many different shapes and sizes. It is important to know that not all of these products are created equal, so we have compiled this list of 5 best ones on the market today!

What to Look For in an Outdoor Laser Light?

Laser lights use a series of photosensitive cells that emit light when they are stimulated by an external source. They can be used inside as well, but the most common use is outdoors.


The prices vary depending on what features they come with such as number of patterns, length of projection and number of bulbs. In general the higher priced ones are more durable with longer life expectancy, while lower cost options may not last as long in inclement weather.


There are many different types on the market that emit light when they are stimulated by an external source. They can be used inside as well but the most common use is outdoors. Red and green lasers lights have been popular for a decade or so because they’re easy to find during holiday season (Christmas laser stars etc.), but there’s no right or wrong answer since it depends what you prefer aesthetically (what looks best).

It also depends where you plan to use them – if you want something that would look great outside your house at night then you might want a colored laser light.

Weather resistant

When you buy outdoor Christmas laser stars or other holiday decorations, it’s important to make sure that your bulb will stand up to weather conditions so it doesn’t get damaged over time (or become brittle). One way to do this is buying bulbs rated for wet locations because these have been specially designed for inclement weather conditions.

5 Best Outdoor Laser Lights

SPOOBOOLA Party Lights

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SPOOBOOLA Party Lights will make your life more glamorous. Adopt round bottom and screw fixed way, it is not easy to be broken down.

With the use of high-quality aluminum alloy housing with built-in fan for better heat dissipation and longer lifespan, your party should be much better!

There are three working modes for you to choose on different occasions: Auto, Flash, and Sound Activated.

They give you a whopping 323 of coverage and an easy 3m install height! That means no more checking your phone to find that one sweet spot in the room where your music will be heard best.

The built-in fan helps keep these lights cool even during extended, wild sessions and makes them appealing for both indoor and outdoor use (a waterproof version is available if warranted).

LedMAll Motion Pattern Firefly 3 Models in 1 with 18 Patterns RGB Outdoor Laser

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These LedMAll Motion Pattern Firefly 3 Models in 1 with18 Patterns RGB Outdoor Laser lights are a great accessory to bring light and fun into your home this Christmas!

These multi-patterned, 18 different theme displays will project onto the walls of your house or office at any time of year–making it the perfect choice for those who love special occasions.

Bring a festive atmosphere to for all events from housewarming, birthdays to reunions as you add these outdoor LED motion pattern lasers to any celebration. The water resistant design also protects them from bad weather allowing them to keep projecting even when wet or snowing out!

Christmas Snowflake Projector Lights

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“How would you like to live in a fairytale world of snowflakes dancing and flying?” That’s what this beautiful Christmas Snowflake Projector Light will turn your home into!

This beautifully designed light from the LED Snowfall Projector features a projected effect that shows falling snow flakes continuously with an amazing 3D-like effect.

Not only is it classy for any time of year, but it also includes waterproof construction, meaning you can use it indoors and outdoors during those colder months.

Plus, with its plug-in function so easy to set up, all you need is one plug and get ready for some winter wonderland magic!

1byone Laser Lights

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With laser lights the size of two football fields, this light show is at a whole new level. From Christmas and holiday entertainment to parties or landscape decoration, with red/green lasers jumping from tree to house there will be no party you are not invited too!

But please make sure you plan ahead on these bad boys- they cover 2,100 sq ft! And the best part…it remembers your schedule so it turns off when you want it to and back on again when it needs more time.

The steady beam even has an automatic motion sensor that will keep the lights just where they need to be: shining overhead every evening until dawn – unless you set them on timer mode! This is perfect for anyone looking to redefine their outside space inside.

LedMAll Motion 8 Patterns in 1 RGB Outdoor Garden Laser

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LedMAll Motion 8 Patterns in 1 RGB Outdoor Garden Laser for patio, lawns, garden decoration and events. With special Christmas decorating design to create stunning patterns on your house walls or lawn at night!

The Laser Projector inside these lights can detect movement for motion effects, helping make this a fun lighting choice for family gatherings outside under the stars!

The laser’s brightness ensures you can entertain or dazzle, even when it’s a cloudy day. The cased design is waterproof and features an IP 67 watertight protection that protects against both dust and the higher degree of durability of occasional rain precipitation.

Move this powerful projector through 8 different patterns or choose its speed at whichever setting suits your needs best- only 5 mW power consumption means it won’t hurt anyone if something goes wrong. Take stability into account with their aluminum enclosure housing built to last.

The 6 Best Christmas Light Projectors 2021

Hanging Christmas lights on your home and landscaping might be a holiday tradition, but it also takes a lot of time and energy to do correctly. Not to mention how dangerous it can be to access roofs and trees. According to the (CPSD) Consumer Product Safety Division, there are about 200 injuries each day during the holiday season, and about half of them are decorating-related falls.

Christmas light projectors are a convenient outdoor Christmas decoration, and do a great job of creating the festive atmosphere you want. They work by projecting colored lasers or LEDs through colored lenses, and offer a variety of lighting effects and patterns.

What to Consider

Christmas Scene

The most important thing to consider when choosing a projector, is what you want projected. If you’d prefer a more classic lighting scheme that looks the most like traditional Christmas lights, go with a model that uses lasers to create their lighting effect. Or, if you’re a bit more adventurous and want something more fun and festive, consider a projector that can also generate images like Christmas trees and Santa Claus.

Temperature Rating

Depending on the climate, you should also make sure your projector will be able to stand up to moisture, as well as extreme temperatures. While some models are designed to withstand temperatures as low as 30 degrees below Fahrenheit, others are less robust, so make sure to check first before purchasing.

How We Selected

I used my own experience with Christmas light projectors to put together this list, having used them to decorate several homes in upstate New York. The heavy snowfall in that area, combined with low temperatures, helped me recognize the importance of having options that could stand up to their environment As a result, I added a good variety of weather-resistant options to the list, as well as a few that are less rugged, and might be better suited for warmer climates. I did my best to include a range of prices as well, so regardless of your budget, you should find a projector that works for you.

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