Star Bright Laser Light

Product Description

Light up your house in minutes with the Star Bright Laser Light Projector! With a range of over 600 feet, you can be the envy of the neighborhood with this easy to use lighting system. Use one of the 4 modes available with green and red lights to decorate your home, trees, walkways and more!

*** NOTE: Due to the seasonal nature of this item and limited availability, returns will not be accepted after 15 days. ***

LaserShowProjector - Laser Show and Show Laser Projectors

Lasers By Pangolin & Kvant

Laser Light Shows. From the development of laser show technology to the manufacturing of laser show systems, it's what we've been doing better than anyone else for over 30-years.

You may have heard lasers being sold using a variety of names such as laser show projectors, laser display systems, programmable laser light show projector, DMX lasers, laser lights, show lasers, party lasers, DJ lasers, Club Lasers, Disco lasers, and more.

Though the name used doesn't matter, what does matter is that you're being sold the best laser system possible. We at Pangolin Lasers have dedicated our lives to producing top-notch laser light show technology, better than anything else on the market.

We at Pangolin Lasers have exclusively partnered with KVANT, to produce a wide selection of award-winning laser light show projectors, ranging from 1.7 Watts, all the way to 1,000W Watts.

We'll break these down into a few categories:

These are a line of low-cost economic show laser systems that come in three different models, RAW, ELITE, and EPIC.

The RAW series range from 1.7 Watt lasers up to 3 Watt lasers. The ELITE ILDA and ELITE PRO FB4 series range from 2 Watt Lasers up to 10 Watt lasers. The EPIC series range from 15 Watt lasers up to a maximum of 30 Watt lasers.

Our most popular line of laser projectors is the Clubmax Series, which starts with 2 Watt Laser Systems and goes up to 15 Watt Laser Systems. Clubmax lasers were built for clients who need lasers designed for touring, in small to medium outdoor shows and events.

Atom Series Lasers range from 9 Watts up to 30 Watts and are designed with all RGB Laser Diodes sources to provide maximum power, performance, and efficiency.

Spectrum Series Lasers are the world's premier high power laser systems. They come in a stunning combination of OPSL and diode lasers, providing maximum brightness and performance, making them the ideal outdoor laser projector. Spectrum lasers are ideal for big events, stadiums, touring, and more.

Our RGBY lasers are built with an extra yellow OPSL module, which increases the overall brightness and divergence of the laser and expands the total range of colors the laser projector can output.

"LD" or "Low Divergence" lasers offer a higher power output, and laser visibility over farther distances with our ScannerMAX Saturn 9B Optical Scanning Systems. They're designed to project over long distances without beam comprising quality or scan-speed.

The world's first modular laser show systems. Burstberry is a multi-head laser system that can be assembled into any geometrical formation, allowing you to create incredible laser effects unlike any before. Burstberry is ideal for lighting designers and laser artists.

High power, long-range aerial beam laser projection systems. Sky lasers are designed for professionals who need to project lasers at extreme distances, providing visibility at several miles away.

Professional laser light design software for both beginners and seasoned professionals, with Pangolin's QuickShow and BEYOND software.

Laser show control hardware, including the Pangolin FB3QS, Pangolin FB4, and Pangolin FB4-SK platforms.

We offer products for audience scanning laser shows, laser power meters, laser safety glasses, and goggles.

We offer laser show rentals and laser design services, which also include programming for 3D Laser Shows and all sorts of stage lighting applications involving laser light.

Tips for use with garden star projectors

A comprehensive resource for safe and responsible laser use

Tips for using garden/holiday “star” projectors

In the fall of 2015, low-cost laser “star” projectors became widely available. The cost was around USD $40 for a “ Star Shower” projector , heavily advertised for outdoor Christmas lighting.

The projector head. It screws into a stake that is placed in the ground for outdoor use.

A home densely covered with laser “stars” from multiple Star Shower projectors. Both photos from the Star Shower website.

Since then, numerous companies have been selling these home laser projectors. They use a diffraction grating to split up a beam into multiple dots or shapes. For the most part, the individual beams appear to be safe for brief, accidental exposure to eyes as long as a person does not deliberately stare into the beams.

Star projectors should be kept away from children. They may not know to avoid exposure. We heard of one person who put a projector in a young child’s room; this is not recommended.

In December 2018, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration put out a news release warning homeowners to keep laser light displays on the house and not in the sky.

Safe and legal usage

In the U.S., use of a laser garden light is legal and safe as long as the beams are terminated on a surface such as a house, or trees with dense foliage. There are two main aspects to consider:

1) The power of any given laser beam from the device is said to be less than 1 milliwatt. This is low -- the U.S. legal limit for a laser pointer is 5 milliwatts. A 1 mW beam normally would not be a significant hazard to an aircraft.

2) Aircraft cannot safely travel between the laser source and the termination surface (house or trees). Thus, even a low-flying helicopter could not intercept the beams.

There is no U.S. federal law that would prevent possession of a laser garden light, or use of it when terminated as described above.

However ... and this is a BIG however ...

It can be difficult to terminate all of the beams on such a device. Some beams may go over the roof of a house, or may go through gaps in tree foliage.

The projector should be arranged to prevent beams from going into airspace.

For example, the projector could be placed high, aiming down onto the house so any stray beams do not enter airspace. Or the user could mask off stray beams (for example, if the projector is placed on the ground aimed upwards towards the house but a mask cuts off the top beams that would go over the roof).

But if beams do enter airspace, then there can be a few potential problems.

As background, here are the visual interference hazard distances of this laser: For a green beam of 1 mW with a 1 milliradian divergence, the light could cause flashblindness to 110 feet, could cause glare to 500 feet, and could be a mental distraction to 5,000 feet. For a similar red beam, the distances would be 1/2 as great (shorter). Note that the beams could not cause eye injury to a pilot.

The main problem is if one or more beams entered the cockpit of an aircraft and distracted or otherwise interfered with a pilot. Especially with a large number of beams, this "swarm" could be annoying enough that a pilot reports this to law enforcement.

A fixed wing aircraft may not be able to pinpoint the source, but a helicopter certainly could. Almost all arrests for laser misuse against aircraft involve helicopter pilots reporting the exact location.

There are a few cases involving

. In all cases we are aware of, the laser user was let off with a warning. For a typical homeowner, there would not be any arrest or prosecution, especially if the user truly was trying to keep beams out of airspace. Arrests usually happen for tracking/aiming, and when the perpetrator is involved in other illegal activity as well as the lasers (being found with drugs, being on probation, etc.).

Thank you for this follow up. I have taken all of your recommendations and suggestions into consideration whenever I use the laser garden light. I have now installed a removable extended cone over the projection lens, which blocks out the wide angle light points. Whether shining it on the side of our home or into our poolside trees, the smaller display has made it much easier to avoid/minimize any light points entering the sky.

Using these legally in the U.S.

Federal law states that "Whoever knowingly aims the beam of a laser pointer at an aircraft in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States, or at the flight path of such an aircraft, shall be fined under this title [USC Title 18, Chapter 2] or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both." This law does not make any distinction about the power of the laser, or the beam's brightness at the aircraft, or even whether the beam hit anything. It is sufficient that a person "knowingly aims" the beam at an aircraft, or at the flight path of an aircraft.

If a proponent wanted to deliberately aim lasers into airspace, then FAA would request that they fill out the Notice of Proposed Laser Operation(s) found in FAA Advisory Circular 70-1. FAA would evaluate the laser use and would issue a letter of non-objection if everything seemed acceptable.


For more information

A news item about Star Shower Christmas projectors is here. It includes measurements of the laser power of the projectors.

Additional news items about Star Shower-type projectors are listed here.

A hacker opened a three-color Christmas laser projector. He found the blue and green beams inside, once focused, were “both at least 100 mW”. The blue beam was “easily able to burn pieces of paper and punch holes in black plastic.” The original article is here, a summary with commentary by is here.

The following is from a letter we provided to a person with a garden laser projector that had beams of less than 1 milliwatt.This is what the person wrote back to us:For completeness, here is the U.S. federal laser pointer law, and the law for more powerful lasers.To sum up, a person should use his or her laser “star projector” Christmas/holiday/garden light responsibly by. If an aircraft should pass through a stray beam, and a pilot was sufficiently upset to contact law enforcement, it is almost certain that there would only be a warning. At that time the user could simply stop using the laser garden light in a configuration where beams could go into airspace.

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